Saturday 22 August 2015

Making of Indian Constitution

The Constitution of India came into force on 26 January 1950. Since then, the day is celebrated as

Republic Day. However, before 1950, 26 January was called Independence Day. Since 26 January 1930, it

was the day on which thousands of people, in villages, in mohallas, in towns, in small and big groups

would take the independence pledge, committing themselves to the complete independence of India

from British rule. It was only fitting that the new republic should come into being on that day, marking

from its very inception the continuity between the struggle for independence and the adoption of the

Constitution that made India a Republic.

The process of the evolution of the Constitution began many decades before 26 January 1950 and has

continued unabated since. Its origins lie deeply embedded in the struggle for independence from Britain

and in the movements for responsible and constitutional government in the princely states.

On 19 February 1946, the British government declared that they were sending a Cabinet Mission to India

to resolve the whole issue of freedom and constitution making. The Cabinet Mission, which arrived in

India on 24 March 1946, held prolonged discussions with Indian leaders. On 16 May 1946, having failed

to secure an agreement, it announced a scheme of its own. It recognized that the best way of setting up

a constitution-making machinery would 'be by election based on adult franchise; but any attempt to

introduce such a step now would lead to a wholly unacceptable delay in the formulation of the new

constitution. Therefore, it was decided that the newly-elected legislative assemblies of the provinces

were to elect the members of the Constituent Assembly on the basis of one representative for roughly

one million of the population. The Sikh and Muslim legislators were to elect their quota based on their


It was only after this process had been completed that the representatives of all the provinces and those

of the princely states were to meet again to settle the Constitution of the Union. The Congress

responded to the Cabinet Mission scheme by pointing out that in its view the Constituent Assembly,

once it came into being, would be sovereign. It would have the right to accept or reject the Cabinet

Mission's proposals on specifics.

The Constituent Assembly was to have 389 members. Of these, 296 were to be from British India and 93

from the princely Indian states. Initially, however, the Constituent Assembly comprised only of members

from British India. Elections of these were held in July-August 1946. Of the 210 seats in the general

category. Congress won 199. It also won 3 out of the 4 Sikh seats from Punjab. The Congress also won 3

of the 78 Muslim seats and the 3 seats from Coorg, Ajmer-Merwara, and Delhi. The total Congress tally

was 208. The Muslim League won 73 out of the 78 Muslim seats.

At 11 a.m., on 9 December 1946, the Constituent Assembly of India began its first session. For all

practical purposes, the chronicle of independent India began on that historic day. Independence was

now a matter of dates. The real responsibility of deciding the constitutional framework within which the

government and people of India were to function had been transferred and assumed by the Indian

people with the convening of the Constituent Assembly. Only a coup d'etat could now reverse this

constitutional logic.

207 members attended the first session. The Muslim League, having failed to prevent the convening of

the Assembly, now refused to join its deliberations. Consequently, the seventy-six Muslim members of

the League stayed away and the four Congress Muslim members attended the session. On 11

December, Dr Rajendra Prasad was elected the permanent Chairman; an office later designated as

President of the Assembly.

The third session was held from 28 April to 2 May 1947 and the League still did not join. On 3 June, the

Mountbatten Plan was announced which made it clear that India was to be partitioned. With India

becoming independent on 15 August 1947, the Constituent Assembly became a sovereign body, and

also doubled as the legislature for the new state. It was responsible for framing the Constitution as well

as making ordinary laws. The work was organized into five stages: first, committees were asked to

present reports on basic issues; second, B.N. Rau, the constitutional adviser, prepared an initial draft on

the basis of the reports of the reports of these committees and his own research into the constitutions

of other countries; third, the drafting committee, chaired by Dr Ambedkar presented a detailed draft

constitution which was published for public discussion and comments; fourth, the draft constitution was

discussed and amendments proposed; fifth, and lastly the constitution was adopted.

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