Tuesday 22 March 2016

Mary Roy vs State of Kerala - Daughters became equals

Mary Roy vs State of Kerala - Daughters became equals

Mary Roy, mother of Arundhati Roy, had decided to challenge the inheritance act when her father passed away without leaving a will. The Travancore Christian Succession Act, 1092, stated that if a man died without leaving a will for his daughter, she would not be entitled to anything. A son, however, would get the property.

Mary Roy invoked Article 14 and fought for equality in property rights. Not just for herself, but for all Syrian Christian women. The Supreme Court ruled that the Indian Succession Act, 1925, be applied to Christians in Travancore and Cochin too.

The act recognized equal succession rights for sons & daughters, making it a huge win for Mary and the entire community.

Source: openthemagazine

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